9 Things to consider before buying mixer grinders in India

Last updated on March 3rd, 2024 at 06:17 am

Having the right kitchen appliance is the key to making tasty foods. When there are several types of appliances available in the Indian market, mixer grinders are a must-have for any kitchen. It is very hard to imagine an Indian kitchen without a mixer grinder because most Indian cuisines are made using mixes of different spices. This is where buying the best mixer grinder in India becomes important.

But mixer grinders in India are available in different types and are designed by different brands. When this is good for a person because he or she can have a number of options to choose from, it can create confusion sometimes. If you don’t know how to choose the best mixer grinder in India, then you may end up buying an inappropriate product for your use.

But to help you in this process, we have prepared a detailed buying guide here. You can refer to this guide and choose the right mixer grinder for the kitchen.

Number Of Jars

When buying a mixer grinder for your kitchen, the first thing that you need to look for is your requirement. You will have to consider the number of persons in your home and decide how many jars with a mixer grinder will be good for your family. In general, mixer grinders come with two, three, or four jars to perform different grinding and mixing needs.

That’s why you should consider your actual requirements and then decide how many jars you need with a mixer grinder. Usually, a mixer grinder with a greater number of jars will give you more options while cooking.

See Also: Best Mixer Grinder in India

Wattage Rating

The next important point to look for while buying a mixer grinder is its wattage rating. For regular grinding applications, you can use a 750-watt mixer grinder. These mixer grinders are great for making chutneys, dips, soups, smoothies, milkshakes, purees, etc.

But for tougher grinding tasks, you can consider using a powerful mixer grinder than a 750-watt mixer grinder. These mixer grinders can be used for preparing Dosa and Idli batter, grinding dry masalas, preparing ginger and turmeric, etc.

Lifelong LLMG45 Power Pro 500-Watt Mixer Grinder

mixer grinder
Lifelong LLMG45 Power Pro 500-Watt Mixer Grinder

Motor Speed

Motor speed is another considering factor when it comes to buying the best mixer grinder in India. This is usually measured in RPM, which stands for rotation per minute. If the RPM of the motor is high, then the mixer grinder will be more powerful.

The mixer grinder that comes with a high RPM motor can grind the ingredients faster. But a high RPM motor produces more noise and heat. So, a mixer grinder of 15000 RPM is great for most applications. For grinding hard ingredients, you can opt for a mixer grinder from 18000 RPM to 23000 RPM.

Wonderchef Sumo Silverado Mixer Grinder 1000W 

Noise Level of The Mixer Grinder

Best Noiseless Mixer Grinder

While buying a good mixer grinder in India, considering its noise level is very important. You will never want to buy a mixer grinder that produces a lot of noise. Generally, the typical noise level of a mixer grinder is between 80 to 90 dB.

This will offer a good experience and let you do your grinding and mixing tasks efficiently. Mixer grinders of top brands usually produce less noise. However, you should consider the noise level of the mixer grinder before buying it to ensure better results.

Blade And Jar Materials

To ensure the durability of jars and blades, you should look for the quality of the material used in making them. In general, stainless steel is the best material for making blades, while polycarbonate is the right material for making mixer grinder jars. ABS plastic is usually used for making mixer grinder jars that ensure the quality and longevity of the product.


Safety Features

Some mixer grinders come with safety features that provide overload protection. These appliances also stay safe from long time use with the help of a circuit breaker. Some mixer grinders come with overload indicators that help you stay safe from accidents.

Another safety feature of mixer grinders is that they don’t start until the jar is properly placed. This way, the mixer grinder doesn’t start accidentally. You should consider their safety features when buying a mixer grinder for your use.


Products from reputed brands are always good to use than using products from local brands. Also, mixer grinders from reputed brands come with unique features to meet the requirements of different users. Whether you are looking for a basic mixer grinder or an advanced one, you should always look for a product from a reputed brand.

Bosch Pro 1000W Mixer Grinder

mixer grinders
Bosch Pro 1000W Mixer Grinder


Considering the weight of the mixer grinder is another important point to get the best one from the market. Actually, buying a lightweight mixer grinder is preferable. A lightweight mixer grinder can be carried from one place to another and is easy to use. If you need to shift the mixer grinder from one place to another, then a lightweight mixer grinder will be helpful.


Mixer grinders require proper maintenance and care in order to last for a long time. Actually, they need proper cleaning, storage, and protection to perform well. You should consider this factor in order to get the best mixer grinder for your use.


Buying the best mixer grinder is crucial for every homeowner. But mixer grinders are available in different types and price ranges. So, you can choose the best one for you by considering your requirements. This buying guide will help you select the right mixer grinder for your kitchen.  

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